Are you a cat person, a dog person, or both?
I am a cat person 100%.
Meet Nick! He is our family fur baby. (Click through the slideshow with the small arrow to see more photos of Nick with our family)!
A 2010 survey done by the University of Texas at Austin found that nearly half (46%) of people say they are a “dog person” while only 12% of people say they are a “cat person.”
The survey also found that cat owners were more likely to be curious, always game to try new things, and are more independent and introverted. Cat people are more likely to be open-minded individuals--creative, artistic, non-conformists and nontraditional thinkers.
On the downside, the study shows that cat people are also 12% more likely to be neurotic, aka easily stressed, anxious, worry warts (also me, haha)!
Contrastingly, dog people are more likely to plan in advance, and they are more likely to enjoy having a firm daily routine.
Cat owners, however, tend to be more relaxed when it comes to planning ahead and are often open to new experiences and have unconventional beliefs.
What about you? Are you a cat person, a dog person, or both?
I am definitely a cat person!