Name: Tara Decker
Company / Business: Bella Grace
What does your business sell or provide?
Elixir (Verisol collagen, Astaxanthin & Cats Claw); not just any skin care but I love our 3-step skin care: Enzyme Collagen cleanser, Dewy serum (gives you a beautiful glow and our collagen plumping moisturizer (I like to say botox in a bottle)!
How/why did you start your business?
I followed a friend on facebook and saw what these products were doing for people’s health. The Elixir shuts off the anti-inflammatory marker.
What did you do before starting your business?
I did, and still do, work a full time job with Fruit of the Loom.
What tips do you have for other women who would like to start their own businesses?
Research the products, watch testimonies of people and how things are working for them. Try them for yourself and love them and know they work before trying to promote something to others. If you feel it, you will want to share it and talk about it to everyone.
What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated?
Listening to motivational speeches, watching zooms with leaders.
What is the biggest challenge for you as an entrepreneur?
There are a LOT of networking marketing products out there selling a lot of various products. The biggest challenge is sharing my products, doing live videos and just reaching people outside of my little community.
Do you have any mentors or coaches?
There are several Uplines as we call them or Leaders above me and then something I love about Bella Grace is they also hire Coaches to help us reach our goals and to work our business.
What is your mantra?
Keep being consistent. Never forget why you started.
How can you be contacted (website, social media, etc)?
Facebook is Tara Wood Decker or you can visit my link at: