Name: Katy Zimmerman
Company: Monat
I am an independent consultant or Market Partner through Monat Global. Monat Global offers anti- aging hair, skin, and newly dropped Wellness care with the focus on being naturally based, vegan, and cruelty-free.
“How/why did you start your business?” and “What did you do before starting your business?”
I came across Monat after I began to follow my upline, Cassie Bagwell on her Instagram page. I saw what her hair looked like after using it consistently for two years and thought “I would love to have hair like that.” At the time though, I didn't think I was ready to commit to anything so backed off. But then after experiencing some hardships of a surprise pregnancy and then miscarriage with my husband and losing my customer service job due to the pandemic, went back to Cassie asking about what it was like to work in direct sales. After talking with her and her upline Carly Bowden, prayer, research, and after discussing with my husband, decided to leap; I am so glad that I did, this was so much more than just making money, starting my own business so that I can be at home with future babies, it’s about growth and community.
“What tips do you have for other women who would like to start their own businesses?”
Some advice I have for other women who are thinking of joining is to first do your research, look for a company that has a great compensation plan, good timing, and a consumable product. What I mean by that is one that gives you the freedom to work when you want to work, no deadlines, quotes, or expectations to keep your business. I have found that this helps keep the pressure off you. You are the boss in this situation. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions of those in the business, that’s what we are here for. To help you!
“What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated?”
For encouragement and motivation, my faith is very important to me and prayer was the biggest thing and still is while I’m working. I also participate in every meeting and growth opportunity that I can, books, podcasts, past team recordings of meetings, and my team. If I am having trouble, feeling stuck, I know that I can reach out to them for help!
“What is the biggest challenge for you as an entrepreneur?”
The biggest challenge as an entrepreneur is that it’s 95% mental. It’s all coming from you and your mindset. If you have a fixed mindset of limiting yourself, self-doubt, any unbelief in the company, and what you are doing, you won’t get very far. But if you have a growth mindset, one that says, "I will get there", you are consistent in posting, growth will happen. You will reach your goals.
“Do you have any mentors or coaches?”
I have two people that I look to within this business when I need help or ideas. That would be my shampoo friends Cassie and Carly. They have been such an encouragement for me and supporting me to keep going even if times get hard. And that’s not just for the business but in my life. Cassie, I knew in college and this business is what helped us reconnect. Through this business, Cassie introduced me to Carly, who is so fun, sweet, and caring for others.
“Do you support / sponsor any charity or community event?”
Monat has a program called Monat Gratitude that Market Partners and VIPs can take part in that strive to impact the lives of communities around them positively, with a focus on gratitude and sharing that by giving back. To learn more visit:
“What is your mantra?”
I don’t necessarily have a “mantra” per se that I follow but I do have a few verses that help me along my way, one of my favorites is “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3 5-6 ESV
“How can you be contacted (website, social media, etc)?”
I can be contacted by email:, my Facebook Group is "A Journey to Clean Beauty with Katy!" You can send me a private message from my profile Katy Zimmerman and follow me on Instagram @musicalbelle.