Dear younger me,
First and foremost, take a deep breath. You are going to be ok.
Second, I am so proud of you! You fought through it all with determination and perseverance. We came out the other side a stronger, better woman.
Now, do not get me wrong. It was not easy. Many bumps and bruises along the way. Toxic relationships with men, friends, and bosses… Job loss, life loss, and self-loss… Illnesses – both mental and physical…But not to fret, the future is not all sour.
You DO become a mother! And just as you had always hoped and dreamed, it will be the most amazing and fulfilling part of your life. Raising two wonderful kids who turn out to be smart, kind, generous, big hearted, open minded, free and forward thinking adults, is the greatest accomplishment of our life!
Although you have some rough road ahead, you learn so much from each experience. I have no regrets but here are few bits of advice.
Laugh more. Stop taking everything so seriously. Enjoy the ride. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake. Have that glass of wine.
Stop hating your body. You're perfect just as you are and you deserve your own acceptance.
Stay weird. You are beautifully and imperfectly human. You have your own quirks. Bask in them. Do not conform. Do not waste time pretending to be someone you are not.
It’s ok to say no. Enough said.
Love yourself. Self-care is so very important. You are worth it. (In the words of our favorite Drag Queen, RuPaul ‘If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?’)
MEDITATE. Practice mindfulness. Embrace the present moment.
Your future self.
What's one thing you'd tell your younger self, if you could?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!