Tricia Kylene Brown is an author, teacher, and inspirational speaker. She is also a freelance writer and editor (primarily for the UMC online newsletter, Mycom) and office manager for The Centers for Hope (Biblical Counseling and Pregnancy Centers). “Most importantly,” she adds, “I am the wife of Ian Brown, mother of four sons, Sjon-Paul, Brandon, Ryan and Braxton.”
She is a Christian writer, speaker and founder of The Girls Get Together ministry. She shares Biblical teaching and stories of life, loss, and laughter in order to help women grow in their relationships with the Lord and each other.
In addition to Christ, who has by far been her greatest influence, Tricia has been fortunate to have many Godly mentors and helpers in her life. “My mom, Jean Carter, is at the top of the list. Her bedtime prayers led me to the Lord at a young age. Along with my dad (Gerald Carter), my sisters (Marsha Crawford and Nancy Duffer), and my husband (Ian Brown), Mom has supported and encouraged me in every stage of my life. She is the creative matriarch of the Carter Clan who loves unconditionally, and I am so thankful for her.”
Tricia feels that the greatest accomplishment in her life is no way a credit to herself. “It is the work of the Holy Spirit who drew me to salvation. It is only by the grace and mercy of God, through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus, that I have a testimony to share.”
When she was young, Tricia’s parents instilled in her the importance of taking no man (or woman's) word on truth. “While I was taught to love, listen to, and respect the teachers and pastors in my life, I was also encouraged to read and learn God's Word for myself. With humans, there is always the possibility of opinion and error; God's Word is absolute truth. It has been given to us as our love letter from God, and through the Holy Spirit, we can all learn from it and apply its teaching to our lives.”
By far, the most difficult thing Tricia has ever faced has been the unexpected death of her 20-year-old son, Brandon. “His death challenged my faith and left me on the brink of a great abyss of grief. In the first moments after I received the news, I knew that if I let him, Satan would use Brandon's death to destroy me and my family. In the days following, I was faced again and again with the decision of whether to give into my sadness or to trust God regardless of my circumstances. In those moments, I heard God speaking to my spirit, whispering to me, reminding me of His love. I recited, "I love my God, and my God loves me" even though I didn't exactly feel loved or loving. While my heart was breaking, I had to make a choice in what I was going to believe. Because I had long-ago settled the question of who my Lord is and what His Word says, my faith was strengthened instead of destroyed. Yes, my God allowed my son to die, but He sent His Son to die for me and for my son and for all of us so that we can spend eternity together with Him. God's love and the prayers of His people continue to help me on my darkest days.
At the end of 2020, Tricia self-published A Year of Yearning, A 12-Month Devotional to Help You Study God's Word More. “I have written many blogs, print and online articles and have helped edit several books by other authors, but this was my first published book. It is a series of devotionals that are divided by months covering various themes. These devotionals were written from December of 2018 (after my son died in September) to November of 2019 and represent my personal Bible studies during that time. In that year after Brandon's death, I clung to God's Word like a lifeline, yearning to know God more. It's my desire that this book helps spur others on to a similar yearning as well.”
Upcoming projects for Tricia include a new blog/Bible study series called More than Conquerors. It is based on Romans 8 and will take a look at how we can have victory over the difficult emotions and circumstances of our lives. “As a part of this series, I have arranged for several women to write guest blogs on topics such as fear, guilt, and people-pleasing. In addition, I have a fiction book, When the Giants Don't Die, that I wrote during the middle of the 2020 COVID shut-downs. This book, while fiction, draws heavily from the experiences of my son's death and my resulting grief. It touches on mental illness and suicide, difficult and often taboo topics in many Christian circles. I hope to have it edited and published in the next year or so. Finally, I am working on a new Bible study called From Coffee to Cappuccino: Learning to Savor a Stronger Spiritual Brew. In this Bible study of Psalm 119, I use fiction short stories of a place called The Heavenly Roast Cafe to introduce readers to Biblical truths about the importance of spiritual disciplines. I hope to have it finished and published by the end of 2022 at the latest.”
Moving forward, Tricia feels called to help women come to know and love the Lord and to grow in HIs Word. “I believe that now, more than ever, we need deep roots. Christians have to know the truth and be willing to stand up with love and courage in a world that is increasingly hostile to people of faith.”
Something most people do not know about Tricia is that she has a tattoo on her butt… “LOL No, just kidding--no tattoos or unusual piercings. The closest I ever came to fame was when I did a phone interview with Richard Simmons. I am actually a fairly boring kind of gal, pretty straight-laced and all that. I think that's why most people would be surprised to know some things about my heart. I have spent most of life as a Christian. I was saved and baptized as a five-year-old girl and grew up in church. I love the Lord and want to serve Him, but there are times when my heart is so--well, for lack of a better word--human. I struggle with doubt. I struggle with self-hate. I struggle with anger. I sometimes struggle to believe. There are times that I rant and rave and yell at God. In the privacy of my own mind, I feel so very hypocritical. Not many people realize how often these struggles come and how hard they can be to get through. However, thank God, they don't last forever. For when I remember John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life," I am reminded again of God's great love for me. I read Isaiah 41:10, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand" and John 14:27, "I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." And like a child, I once again find rest and comfort in my Father's love. “
Tricia’s greatest adventure has been raising and homeschooling her sons. It's been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, thrills and chills, but she would not have had it any other way. “As I look back over my life, I don't think there has been anything that I have enjoyed more than hearing my sons laugh and watching them learn how to say their ABCs or snap their fingers, play ball or play in the sand, wade out into the ocean or "swimming" in the tub, riding amusement park rides or driving their first car... Perhaps, most of all, my favorite of all favorites, was the simple blessing of sitting around the dinner table together--all six of us, laughing, arguing, talking, and enjoying a good meal. I miss those times greatly and can't wait til the day when we are united again.”
In her free time, Tricia has two favorite relaxation activities. “First, I like to take long, hot baths with a good book. The tub is like my second office. I can spend hours reading in there, refreshing the hot water every little bit, until my skin is as red as a tomato and as wrinkled as a prune! Second, I love spending time with The Girls--my mom, my sisters, and all the women in my life. Whether it's going on a road trip or sitting around someone's living room, there are few times that I laugh as heartily, and there are few things that I find as refreshing as time with my friends and family. “
As a boy mom, Tricia has become quite the fan of superhero flicks. She just finished the new Wanda Vision series on Disney Plus.”I thoroughly enjoyed that. My husband and I also just finished the first season of The Chosen and can't wait for season two. I love the way it challenges me to think about the context of the scriptures, to recall what is Biblical and what has been fictionalized, and to contemplate more on my Savior. At night, before we go to sleep, we watch reruns of Magnum, PI. I am an avid reader, usually reading about four to five books at a time. Right now, I just finished Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby and Claude King. I am reading Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling and Uncle Tom's Cabin as well as a few others. For my scripture studies, I am reading Hebrews, John, Romans 8, and Psalm 119. I haven't gotten into podcasts, but I love to listen to 10withTim on youtube where my pastor spends 10 minutes each day walking us through a book of the Bible verse by verse. On the way to work each morning, I listen to devotional CDs or worship music on our local Christian radio station.
What is at the top of Tricia’s bucket list? “I always said that if I had a wild hair, I'd get a tattoo on my ankle, a belly-button piercing, and I'd go skydiving. The older I get, however, the less appealing any of those things seem! So, I guess, the number one thing on my bucket list is to publish my first fiction novel. When the Giants Don't Die is a story that is so near and dear to my heart and has brought forth such a range of emotions, I truly feel that God has a purpose in it. I really hope to publish it traditionally, but if not, I will self-publish again. I believe the message is too important to leave sitting on a shelf.”
What’s the best way for the readers to connect with Tricia is via:
Her website: (sign up for my free devotional emails.)
YouTube: The Girls Get Together
Facebook: The Girls Get Together or Tricia K. Brown
Instagram ThisGirlTriciaB
Email: I absolutely love getting to know women personally and consider it a privilege to pray with and for them. So, readers are welcome to email me at tricia.brown@thegirlsgettogether or private message me on Facebook. For those living in or near Bowling Green, Kentucky, I'm always open for lunch dates!