Tina Nahid is a Stay-At-Home Homeschool Mom, Author, and wife. She loves to encourage and uplift others. “I also love to share hope and encouragement using my own personal struggles and weaknesses. When people feel a common bond or connection with me through a particular struggle or trauma they are enduring, I am truly grateful and feel great joy that I can walk alongside them on their journey. The books I have written are devotional type books based on my experience homeschooling my children. My great joy is that these books encourage other parents in their endeavors as well.”
Tina says that her relationship with Jesus has been the greatest influence in her life. “I have learned and experienced His goodness and grace in countless ways, and following Him completely transformed my life. The greatest earthly influence from my childhood would be my grandmother, who never met a stranger and was loved by all who knew her. She was a constant source of unconditional love to me my entire life.”
Self-publishing her three books on Amazon was a great accomplishment according to Tina. “I'm so grateful to be able to help others across the globe on their journey of home education with my first two books. And with my third book, I am thankful to provide a resource for those who have been hurt by betrayal in their lives as well.”
When asked what advice she’d like to pass on to our readers, Tina said, “The best advice I received is two-fold. The first part is to always keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, no matter what happens in this life. He is the author and finisher of our faith. And secondly, I have learned so much wisdom from The Serenity Prayer. I have it memorized and think of it almost daily, focusing on different sections as needed for my circumstances. "Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace..." is a part of the prayer that is very meaningful to me in particular.”
“I have had many challenges in my life thus far, it's truly difficult to choose. I would say the most recent adversity and tragic loss was losing my father in August 2019. The situation was tragic, sudden, and shocking, and it truly rocked my world to its core. Only by God's strength and faithfulness and the love of many friends and family did I make it through. I have learned much about the journey of grief and loss through this past year.”
Tina’s upcoming projects include plans to write a fourth book. It will also be on the topic of homeschooling. “I am going to have my husband co-write that book with me. It will be written from both parents' perspectives on various topics regarding educating children at home. Some of the topics will include keeping marriage healthy, how to incorporate travel and field trips and what we have learned to do and not to do along the way.”
Tina’s second son is a senior, and he will be graduating in May this year. “He is my second homeschool graduate, so I will officially be a retired homeschool mom,” she adds!
In her free time, Tina enjoys nature and outdoor activities such as hiking, going for walks,and sitting by the ocean. “I also love date nights with my husband, vacations with my family, and mom's nights out with friends. I love to travel, and I have been to several countries on mission trips. I am an avid reader and enjoy being a part of/facilitating small group studies. I find great comfort in the wisdom of books.”
I have been a part of a Zoom book club that my mother actually started about 7 months ago. I am enjoying this club so much! I have never been much of a fiction reader, but being in this club has made me enjoy reading fiction so much more. Discussing the books brings out insights and points I would have missed reading it on my own. We have a great time. Our latest book was "Before We Were Yours" by Lisa Wingate. An excellent and heart-wrenching book!
Tina can be contacted via:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1374739716171272 Five Minute Devotions for the Homeschool Mom
Links to Tina’s 3 books on Amazon:
Link to 2 books in which Tina was a guest author:
Why I Love Homeschooling: 24 Parents Share the Joys & Challenges of Educating Their Children at Home by Brynn Steimle (Author), Kathy Oaks (Author), Mary Jo Tate (Author), Tina Nahid (Author), & 6 more
Here are links to a few books Tina found especially beneficial in the loss of her father: