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Writer's pictureCrystal Childress Adkins

Woman of the Week - Molly Brown

Molly Maureen Brown is an aspiring stunt artist who believes in fighting and standing up for people who need advocates. She uses any platform that she can to help spread awareness.

“As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I am always part of that conversation of advocacy. That being said- Right now I think the spotlight needs to be on Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Peoples Rights. This is a multiple century injustice that isn’t close to being solved. I want this blatant racism to end with my generation,” Molly says.

Molly feels her greatest influence in life has been her Mema (GrandMother) who has always encouraged her fully, never holding back “She encouraged me to read. So my greatest influences are her AND my favorite books and stories (as cheesy as it sounds)! Author Tamora Pierce wrote strong females in fantasy in a ground breaking way. And so I am determined to become the knight that “young Molly” read about and aspired to be. The knight who fights for others when they need it, stands up for what is right, and is true to herself.”

The best advice Molly has received is to be the hero you wish to see in the world. Females are 50% of the population; they should be 50% of the heroes. Molly has also learned not to let people know everything she already knows. “Some important connections can be made because people believe they are teaching you. Don’t let being a know it all stand in the way of this—listen to what people want to tell you.”

About her accomplishments thus far, Molly says, “I’m still so young—so I feel silly answering this because I have so much left to do! I’m proud that I graduated college early with honors. And I’m proud to be an Aunt to a precious baby named Emery. I guess I’m also proud of achieving my body's physical goals in a healthy and safe way. Growing as a stunt performer requires patience and dedication, and I am pleased with the progress I have made so far.”

“My girlfriend, Amellia, and I just traveled all throughout New England. It was such a big learning experience for the both of us and we had such a great time. We visited Niagra Falls, The Erie Canal, The White Mountains of New Hampshire, The Catskill Mountains in New York, Massachusetts, and so many other adventures. We plan to continue traveling once safe again due to COVID.”

For fun, Molly loves to keep her body physical with Sword fighting and doing all forms of combat. For relaxation, she loves to read and play Minecraft. “Moving forward, I plan to move to Los Angeles with my girlfriend Amellia within the next year/year and a half. These plans were originally set for May of this year—but due to COVID, we had to reconfigure.”

Lastly, Molly adds, “Wear your mask. Keep others safe during this time.”

Molly can be contacted via Instagram: @thatmollybrown

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