Leigh Lindsey is a PhD, MSN, Certified Nurse Midwife, and Family Nurse Practitioner, whose says her greatest accomplishment in life is her marriage and kids. ‘I have 3 amazing children who are fantastic young adults (and 1 almost adult). I love my career, but my family is my greatest accomplishment to date. Marriage, raising children, working is all really hard stuff, but building and maintaining relationships is the most important part of life.’

‘I absolutely love working with women,’ Leigh says about her career. ‘I see women across the lifespan, ranging from teenage years to post-menopausal, and everything in between. My goal is to establish trust with my patients so they will continue to come in and see me year after year. I am genuinely interested in their well-being, not just seeing them for an annual exam and doing a pap smear or refilling birth control, etc. I want to know about their jobs, kids, spouses, etc. Often, tears are shed during these visits because women are often extremely stressed out and they feel alone, and they need a safe place to vent.’
Leigh’s message to women is: "You are NOT alone! You are allowed to feel stressed out and overwhelmed, just do your best to not stay there. Take baby steps to make choices that are healthy for you."
Leigh has a few nuggets of wisdom to share with our readers about what she has learned over the years:
1) Meet people where they are, not where you are.
2) When people show you who they are, believe them (a Maya Angelou quote).
3) Show grace whenever you can - there have been times when I have been shown grace when I didn't deserve it, and I truly appreciate it.
4) Be kind to yourself. No one is perfect and life is hard for everyone, so go easy on yourself when you don't measure up to your own expectations.
5) Invest your time in relationships.
6) Spend your money on people and experiences, not things.
In regards to the future, she had this to say, ‘ I think Jim and I will retire in ~ 14 years (+/- a few years), so trying to transition into a life that will be satisfying as empty-nesters. I will turn 50 in 2 years, so maybe do a big celebration for that (possibly a big party?). We tentatively plan to travel to Italy and a few other countries in Europe. ’
In closing, Leigh gives this advice, ‘Time is going to pass us by no matter what, so you might as well set goals and take steps to accomplish those goals.’
Outside of work, Leigh enjoys exercising (CrossFit, hiking, yoga, etc.), reading, crocheting, sewing quilting, monogramming, appliqueing, and spending time with family.