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Woman of the Week: Ellen Murrey-Lockhart

Writer's picture: Crystal Childress AdkinsCrystal Childress Adkins

Ellen Murrey-Lockhart is the Minister of Worship at Broadway Methodist Church where she strives to create a space where ALL people--no matter who they are, what they’ve done, where they come from, who they love, how they identify, what they look like, etc.,—feel valued, welcomed, and wanted—a place where their authentic unfiltered self can be part of a community, loved by God and loved by the people around them.

“There have been so many people I’ve learned from over the years as a minister, teacher, and director--both what to do and what not to do. But in regards to my current position, a sweet man named Wayne Hunter taught me a whole lot about how to look at each and every person I encounter as a gift,” Ellen said. “He passed away last year, but in the few years we had together he taught me that God is at work in every single person, all the time. Whether we (or they) can see it or not. He also taught me how to not take myself and my job too seriously. To laugh at awkward moments and see mistakes as another opportunity to learn. He was a wise dude.”

One of Ellen’s greatest accomplishments includes the production of ‘Once Upon This Island’ she did with a group of troubled teens. “When I was teaching high school choir and theatre, I had a very rough situation. I was mostly given the “bad” kids (they happen to be my favorites) in my classes, many just because they couldn’t be sent to alternative school since it was full. I had few students in any class with music or theatre experience. Despite that, we decided we were going to put on a musical, “Once On This Island,” a show about community, diversity, sacrifice, and love. Those “troubled” kids (two of which had recently been in jail) DID that show. With almost no money and very little support from the school and community, they did it. It was amazing. And the pride they felt in themselves and each other was incredible. For some of them, it was the first time they had received attention for anything positive. For many of them, it was the first time they felt confidence in themselves. I know that experience has had a lasting impact on many of them, and I am very proud of that. Many of them still keep in touch with me and each other a decade later.”

Ellen is also proud of the Community Thanksgiving “Feast for All” that Broadway UMC hosted last year to provide a “family” Thanksgiving meal for anyone who needed one--singles, elderly folks, LGTBQ+ who weren’t welcome at home, people experiencing homelessness, international folks, etc. “It was a huge success and I can’t wait to build upon that tradition after the pandemic.”

Ellen adds, “We also created a weekly web series called Broadway’s Got Talent shortly after the pandemic began. This has been a great way to keep us connected, let us share our various gifts and talents, and give our people an opportunity to encourage their church family via a safe online platform. And it’s been a lot of fun!”

The advice Ellen wishes to pass to our readers is to “take advantage of every opportunity you have to be kind to another human being--whether it is a stranger at the store, or whether it is a cherished loved one. Give every person and every interaction the same care and energy--even when you don’t feel like it. You’ll be amazed with the results. Showing kindness to others will give you an emotional boost, too!”

When asked about her biggest adversity / obstacle Ellen had this to say. “I’ve had a very easy life compared to so many people I know and love. I’ve never had to worry about whether or not I’d have access to a meal or whether I’d have a home to live in. And for that, I’m so thankful. But I’ve had two main obstacles that I’ve had to overcome (let’s be honest, I’m still working to overcome them…)

First, I’ve dealt with my size and therefore body-image/self-esteem my whole life. I’ve always been big and tall. No matter how much I exercised, how little I ate, or how many sports I played, that’s just who I’ve always been. I’ve always felt badly about myself as a result. It didn’t matter how many good qualities I may have had, my appearance always trumped. I always felt that I should apologize for taking up space. As a result of my massive insecurity, I’ve made a lot of bad decisions over the years--from not pursuing my dream of performing to getting into an abusive 5-year marriage. I even went so far as to have weight-loss surgery, and for a grand two years felt good about myself. But surprise, surprise, years later my body has defaulted back to what it knows. And I still struggle. A lot. I’d encourage you to try to find your self-worth in what is within, not your appearance. I’m still trying to learn to do that.

My second obstacle is a constant fear of the “ground falling out from under me.” I have had three different careers--teaching high school, directing theatre, and my current ministry position. Both previous careers seemed like answered prayers. I thought I had found my calling. Things went better than I could have dreamed for a year or two. Then in both cases, with no warning and for no apparent reason, everything changed and became very hostile. Even though I’ve been in my current position for nearly 6 years, and I know that it is a beautiful grace-filled community unlike any other place I’ve worked, I still live in fear of saying or doing the wrong thing and flipping that switch again. It’s a result of trauma. I’m sure many of you can relate.”

Upcoming projects for Ellen include Christmas Eve services in-person and online at “I am really looking forward to our services this year. They will be a bit different, but I think they will be very meaningful as well. My current goal is to find new and innovative ways to connect people to each other and to the important traditions, music, feelings, and warmth of the holiday season during a time when we are limited in so many ways.”

In her spare time, Ellen loves to paint. “I also love an app on my phone that is a paint by numbers experience, much less messy than real painting and it is so relaxing! I also love to walk with and hang out with my two lazy beagles and snuggle with my two kitties.

Ellen loves re-reading familiar favorites like the Wrinkle In Time Series, Chronicles of Narnia, and Harry Potter. She also loves watching familiar favorites like FRIENDS, Boy Meets World, How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn 99, and the Great British Baking Show. “We’ve also started watching Black-ish, and we are obsessed!”

Ellen recommends reading “Everything written by Brene Brown [Author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead.] Read it!”

Check us out at and watch our online service Sunday at 10 am at!


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© 2020 by 10th and Magnolia

Site design by Amellia Adkins

Personal Blog Author: Crystal Adkins

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