Elise Charny, Director of BG OnStage at SKyPAC, recently took on a new role in the form of motherhood. ‘As cheesy as it sounds, my daughter is one of my greatest accomplishments. I look at her in awe everyday, that I aided in creating this adorable other human. It's crazy!’
‘BG OnStage at SKyPAC is definitely my other greatest accomplishment’ said Elise. ‘I am proud of how far my theatre group has come since I took it over in 2014. I look back on where I started with BGOS and the path that it has taken, and will continue to take. We are still growing and building.’ Having worked with so many actors, from professionals to youth actors as young as six years old, she has had the honor to watch them immerse into the world of theatre. “There is not any other job that I could do 100% that would be as fulfilling as watching one of my casts work together and bring a production to life.’
Her teachers collectively have been her greatest influence in life. From them, she learned the type of leader and educator she wanted to be. ‘Educators have a HUGE impact on how a child learns and develops.’ Elise added, ‘My main mantra in life has been to "be the _____ that I didn't have growing up". Whether that is to be a support you can call, day or night, or a mentor / educator that I wish I had available to me when I was learning and growing in the theatre. I always want my students, friends, and family to know that I am there for them.’
Elise passes on this bit of advice that she herself received recently. ‘Tell yourself, "I can do hard things." It was a phrase that I repeated while in labor and it is a phrase that I keep in the forefront of my mind as I continue to navigate the theatre business during these difficult times. People are stronger than they give themselves credit for. When hard times hit, you have to know that you can handle it. You got this!’
‘Everyone needs to know that they are enough just as they are. They do not need to change or conform for anyone. Stand up for yourself as so many others are quick to stand against you. You have to be your own cheerleader. Be yourself! There is only one you and you bring your own unique set of assets to the table. Don't try and be something you aren't.’
As for BGOS with SKyPAC, Elise is continuing to develop programming for the community, and working on what the next steps are to bring quality theatre and theatre education opportunities to the area. But her newest project, motherhood, is front and center right now.
‘When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say "a mommy". And now I am in it, and it is bizarre! Sometimes I still don't believe this is my life now. I have a tiny human that depends so completely on me.’ Elise ponders, ‘It’s amazing, but why does nobody talk about the truths of the trenches of parenthood? Postpartum depression, continuing to work on and grow your relationship with your partner, actual sleep deprivation, the anxiety that surrounds making the parenting choices to help your child develop, etc. It is insane!’
One of her greatest resources for success in life, Elise says is therapy. ‘I think that there is still such a taboo around people seeking help. I have been in consistent therapy now for about a year and a half and it has helped me so much. I cannot praise the power of therapy enough. That and actually taking time for self care. You cannot pour from an empty cup. For my relaxation/self care, a hot bath and ice cream. Not at the same time! I mean⎯you totally could eat ice cream in a hot bath, but I like them separately.’
Elise is active on social media. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook, where she is working on bringing more truth and honesty to her content. ‘Life is messy and hard and that is what I am wanting to bring more of to my followers. They seem to love it! I have a lot of my students following me, and I want to show them the truth of theatre, the reality of working in the theatre, and the reality of just being an adult. So much that they see is crafted, that I want to bring my followers some honesty. ‘
Moving forward, Elise is continuing to learn and grow as a mother, wife, individual, educator, and director. ‘I don't believe that you are ever done learning. There is always more to discover and delve into, whether in your personal or professional life.’
Facebook: Elise Charny
Instagram: @elisecharny