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Writer's pictureCrystal Childress Adkins

Woman of the Week - Ashley Fowlkes

Ashley Fowlkes is the Branch Manager of the Bob Kirby Branch, Warren County Public Library. She loves serving people, helping people, and finding solutions to problems. “The public library gives me the perfect place to do that for our community and for my staff. I subscribe to a servant leadership model and love helping my team work to serve the public in all the ways a library does.”

Ashley’s greatest influence in life has been her mom, who overcame a ton of adversity during her childhood. Ashley says, “She didn’t have a nurturing mom, so she became one. She didn’t have a positive home life, so she created one for me and my siblings. She sees the good in people and looks for the good in difficult situations. She is the world’s biggest encourager, a true Barnabas, and the biggest cheerleader for her family and friends. That has served me well both personally and professionally.”

The advice Ashley wants to pass on to our readers is “Just keep on keeping on.” That outlook has helped her keep at it, even after a fail. “When I would tire of a task, I’d get a second wind and go back to it. I have wanted to give up plenty of times in various areas of life, but that inner determination, planted at a young age and encouraged throughout childhood, has kept me going into my adult years.”

When asked about her greatest accomplishment, Ashley had this to say, “I don’t know that I’ve accomplished too many “big” things, but I’ve encouraged a great many people, and that makes me happy. I’ve raised (am raising) kids who know they are loved by God most, and by their dad and me next. I have a great marriage, but that’s not because of me as much as it is my sweet, funny, long-suffering husband.”

Ashley feels she has not had too many obstacles in life, but the challenge of secondary infertility was a tough one. “My husband and I were in our seventh year of marriage and about to do a fertility consult when we found out we were pregnant with our eldest daughter, Jaycie. Secondary infertility led us to the adoption route. We adopted our daughter Hannah in 2006 and our son Will in 2008. Our family has expanded in three precious, unique ways, and we are so thankful for the journey that led to each child.”

“I just turned 50 this summer - and that is such a weird age to admit being! I don’t feel near that old, but my graying hair and brain hiccups are working diligently to let the secret out! I am working hard at being ok with the aging process and coming to terms with what I can and cannot control in life. I’m not so great at letting things go, but it’s never too late to learn!”

In her free time, Ashley likes to sit on her balcony porch and read, decorate on the cheap, and bargain shop (although that’s been pretty curtailed by the pandemic).”I love everything written by Ruts Sepetys, who brings history to life in all of her YA novels. I’m currently reading a juvenile fiction novel (Daring Darleen: Queen of the Screen by Anne Nesbet) set in the silent movie era. I love historic fiction!”

Ashley has several resources she would like to share with our readers. “I follow the Blurt Foundation on Instagram (also here , and they share really great mental health advice. Brad Montague is a favorite of mine. The creator of the Kid President videos, he’s all about positivity, and his latest book is Becoming a Better Grownup, which is quite inspiring (link here)! (! Carlos Whitaker shares insight into racial matters and has a positive Christian outlook. (”

Ashley can be contacted via

Twitter (@ashley_fowlkes)

Instagram (acfowlkes).

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