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Writer's pictureCrystal Childress Adkins

Take Care of YOU!

Take Care of You

As you are aware if you read my, “All the Feelings” post a few weeks back, I am an Empath. I take on the emotions of those around me, and this can be a heavy load. Therefore, it is very important for me to practice self-care. I thought I’d share with you all some of the ways I practice self care, and why it is important for you to find ways to take care of you!

Although it sounds like a simple thing in theory, self-care is something most people often overlook, or even worse, feel guilty for doing. Self-care is defined as “any activity done deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health."

There are many things you can do to practice self-care. Here are a few that I use to boost my well-being.

1. Mediation - Meditation is a game changer. If you are perplexed or overwhelmed by the concept of meditation, you are not alone. Meditation consists of focusing your attention as a way to calm the mind. Breathing is a common focus point in many different types of meditation because staying focused on your breath removes distractions, worries, and restlessness from the mind.

Some people associate meditation with yoga and / or Buddhism, however, you do not have to practice either of those to reap the benefits of meditation. A place to start is Guided Meditation. You can find many amazing Guided Meditation tracks on Spotify (or wherever you stream your music). You can find some of my favorites on the Meditation playlist on the music tab of this website.

2. Sleep - Self-care isn’t self-indulgent. It’s about being self-aware and recognizing your own needs. And your body needs sleep. When I was young, I would say things like, ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’ but now in my mid 40’s - I need a good night's sleep, every night! Everyone's sleep requirements are different; however, establishing good sleep habits is key. These include developing a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and getting up at approximately the same time each day, keeping the bedroom quiet and comfortable (sound machine, comfortable mattress, soft sheets), and avoiding caffeine or medications in the evening that may interfere with sleep.

3. Say No - Saying “no” is an avant-garde form of self-care because it helps you prioritize your well-being over your obligations and relationships. Saying no can be empowering and life-affirming. Saying no is a huge part of having healthy boundaries and should be an integral part of your self-care routine. If you’re uncomfortable being so firm or are dealing with pushy people, it’s OK to say, “Let me think about it, and I will get back to you.” This gives you a chance to review your schedule, as well as your feelings about saying "yes" to another commitment, do a cost-benefit analysis, and then get back to them with a “yes” or, more importantly, a “no.” This tactic helps you avoid letting yourself be pressured into over scheduling your life and taking on too much stress. It is okay to say yes, but not because you feel it is the only option. You can say no.

4. Focus on your pet - Having a pet is a huge mood-booster, especially for people who are suffering from loneliness. Interacting with animals increases and pets have been shown to decrease symptoms of depression. Set aside time to play / cuddle with your pet daily.

5. Read - Flipping through the pages of a book not only helps us tap into our imagination (which impacts our mood and creativity), it transports us to another world full of new ideas and possibilities. Reading has been proven to turn us into better problem solvers, communicators, and critical thinkers.

6. Alone time - Unplug from social media (seriously⎯put the phone down for hour), take a hot bath, meditate, read. Customize your self care for what works for you, but the key is to embrace the alone time. I was not quick to grab onto the idea of spending time alone. Being alone with my thoughts scared me. But the more I practiced, the time alone helped me to get to know myself better. I became better able to listen and concentrate. In the end, I feel this has also helped my relationships with others.

7. Socialization - I know I just said for you to embrace alone time, and now I am saying socialize, but it's true. The key to self care is balance. Time spent socializing can help build your confidence, strengthen your sense of purpose, raise your spirits and help protect you against the effects of stress. It boils down to spending time with other people you care about or people who are engaged in something you care about, can make you feel a part of something larger than yourself. It can make you feel supported, wards off loneliness, provides entertainment and a distraction from pain.

8. Pamper - Pampering yourself can include a wide variety of activities, all of which should be tailored towards making you feel happy and relaxed. Whether you are pampering your body, mind, or spirit, sit back and relax. Indulge. Treat yourself. Get a Facial and glass of wine. Get a

haircut/color/style. Get a Mani/Pedi. See an acupuncturist. Get a massage. Take a hot bath.

9. Organize/De-clutter/ Simplify - Having too many options, not being able to find things, or having too many steps to get the final result all were factors in my inability to be happy and healthy. Organize so that I can find things easily - one junk drawer, not one in each room. De-clutter to reduce anxiety - too much ‘stuff’ can trigger panic attacks for me. Simplify to free up time and mental strain.

10. Therapy - Why the stigma on therapy? Therapy can uncover the root of depression and anxiety. Therapy can help improve mood as well as teach new coping and communication skills. Therapy can help you to develop a stronger self-image and become better able to say no to those who ask for too much.

Self-care isn't a one-size-fits-all strategy. Your self-care plan will need to be customized to your needs. Taking time out to care for yourself can remind you and others that you and your needs are important, too. Self-care requires more than just understanding how to take care of yourself – it involves putting your knowledge into practice and realizing when to reset.

Take care of you!

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