Amellia Gabrielle Adkins, Nanny/Actress/Thespian/Art-Creator/World Traveler, is attempting to survive in the crazy world that we live in today. Attempting to stand up for what is right, for the people that she loves, and give everyone equal rights. (Except racists and homophobes, of course.) She believes that the world we live in needs our help, and it is our job through art, voting, revolution, and ACTION to change the course of history.
Amellia has been greatly influenced by theatre. ‘It has shown me how art can affect the lives of those it touches. It has shown me how important representation is to young artists and people of all kinds. Theatre has also allowed me to grow in my self-confidence, and it has allowed me to connect with people I would have never otherwise come across. The friendships and family that have come from theatre have influenced me in ways that nothing else can.’
Having the bravery and tenacity to follow her dreams, Amellia quotes Dr. Suess, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
She adds, ‘I have learned that you cannot please everyone. Literally no matter what you do--someone will complain, will not like it, will judge you, and will try to drag you down; therefore, you should do things for yourself. Fill your cup, and what overflows will be for others. Whatever is in your cup belongs to you, and what overflows is for others. Do for yourself, because really, who is going to do it for you?’
I like to do theatre, not just as a job, but as a time to enjoy myself and relax. I also paint and crochet and sing--because making art is my passion, but right now in today's world, it is increasingly hard to have the motivation to do so. We're working on it. Let's make art and change the world while we're at it, why don't we? Make change through art.
Two months away from her 21st birthday, Amellia is getting ready to make a big life-leap. ‘My girlfriend and I are currently selling, donating, and re-homing all of our furniture, giving a notice to our landlord, and we are going to be living in a mini-camper trailer and travel the country.’ Stay tuned for more details on how to follow their journey...
When asked about her plans for the future, Amellia responded with these affirmations:
I will become a famous actress on stage and in film.
I will become a famous playwright who will break boundaries in the playwriting field by being inclusive, by having all types of people represented, and by writing horror for the stage.
I will be able to travel the world safely.
I will become financially stable and find a job that I love.
I will become married to Molly Brown.
I will start a fierce, incredible, diverse, and happy family.
Amellia asks our readers, ‘Please be on the right side of history--fight for what's right, speak up for those who either, 1. don't have a voice, or 2. for those whose voice is not listened to as much as yours is (aka, white privilege if you're white). Black lives matter. Take care of those around you (this includes wearing your mask...). Yes, it's political, and yes, it's personal.’
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Facebook: Amellia Gabrielle Adkins
Instagram: @amelliagabrielle
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Twitter: @amelliaadkins